Monday, December 19, 2016

Placenta Encapsulation

How I Became a Placenta Encapsulation Specialist

Hi my name is Joelle, and I am a midwife apprentice and DONA trained doula. I began attending home births 5 years ago and have been offering placenta encapsulation services for 4 years. The first placenta I encapsulated was that of my firstborn son, Jude.  I had heard of the marvelous benefits of consuming the placenta during the postpartum period, and I had wanted to try it for myself, as I was extremely anemic and depleted after childbirth.  3 weeks postpartum we discovered that there was a piece of retained tissue in my uterus, causing excessive bleeding. Doctors did a D&C and blood transfusion. All the nurses were amazed how my body had even been making milk, or even walking for that matter! I looked pale and felt tired, but I didn't really feel that bad.  And I had a lot of milk!  I now believe that it was due to the placenta caps.  2 years later as I began my midwife apprenticeship and started working with pregnant and postpartum women on a regular basis,  I saw the huge demand for encapsulation services. Most women did nothing with their placentas, occasionally some would bury them under a tree, but most would throw them away.  With postpartum depression and lactation issues being a real concern for many women,  I couldn't stand to see this powerhouse of nutrients and hormones being thrown away!  We started offering placenta encapsulation services and saw tremendous results. All of the women have reported positive feedback to taking the placenta caps, and most women say they wished they would've done this many years ago! Even the husbands notice a huge difference! I've even received referrals and positive support from the hospital staff, as women have started asking for these services. I am so thrilled to be of service in helping to utilize the natural medicine made by our bodies for our bodies.  I truly believe that if we simply observed nature more often, we would find many of the answers in which we seek. I am currently offering placenta encapsulation services in the greater Gallatin Valley area of Montana, and I am also able to process via postal service so I can literally offer my services anywhere!  Any questions please feel free to email me at or via call or text at (406)539-8338. Thank you!